Official trailer of Drop
So we have a new video in our YouTube channel. The official trailer for Drop. Check it and tell us what you think about the game!
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Total results: 10
So we have a new video in our YouTube channel. The official trailer for Drop. Check it and tell us what you think about the game!
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Check our new video on youtube!
We have a lot more props and improved assets, with animations, a better drop model and even enemies!
The level is still a work-in-progress level and we have more puzzles and levels, but we are keeping it in secret by now… We will not spoiler the whole game, does it?
When we created the team, the next logical step was look for the idea. What kind of videogame we will do? What theme? What art, mechanics, goals, story…?
Is one of the most difficult parts of making a videogame, the idea, a good idea that must be fun, beautiful, different. And also, an idea we can achieve, not so complicated to do or without a lot of loose end.
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In youtube you can see videos about how we are making the game, for example, the first we made as a test, some time ago. Not a big deal, but shows our first steps in the game Drop, some concepts arts, some mechanics we already implemented, the level we are working now and a little more.
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